Videoecology is a new scientific direction deals with ecology of visual environment and a beauty
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The concept on automaticity of saccades is the basis of videoecology.
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Theoretical and practical problems of videoecology are worked out in Moscow centre "Videoecology"
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The full concept of saccades automaticity is set out in V.A.Filin's monographs "Videoecology", in Russian (3 editions) and in English and "Automaticity of saccades", in Russian
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Main page --> Visual environment. Homogeneous visual field --> Recommendations on creation of comfort visual environment well correlated with a physiological norms of vision

  1. To prevent the appearance of aggressive visual fields in urban environment, in our private lodgings and offices. To fight with such aggression on TV, cinemas, in textile and polygraphic industry. To regard such aggressive fields as serious ecological factors. Aggressive field leads to a sharp increase of psychic diseases and violations of law. As academic S.Likhachev often wrote, the aggression of the mankind is, in addition, closely linked with abundance of aggressive visual environment in public places.
  2. To avoid homogeneous visual fields in urban environment and in places where a person has to live for a long time. Liquid concrete may have any configuration besides a flat one. It is necessary to change the places with homogeneous environment by planting greenery, by colors, with help of home plants, pictures, vases, carpets and other decorations available.
  3. To avoid big plains in architecture: in residences, in offices, in departments, in hospitals and child institutions. When looking on such plain visual defects emerge: astigmatism, different acuity of right and left eyes, disadvantages of fusional activity. The nature consists of diversities. In ancient architecture such elements as gallery, bay, decor excluded the appearance of big plains. Industrial methods of building have come to the abundance of plains in architecture and the process is continuing and along with large ferroconcrete plates glass ones are used which are even worse for eyes.
  4. It is always necessary to remember that "eye does not like" straight lines and right angles. Unfortunately, the present architecture uses just these elements. As a result we have nothing else than visual cacophony. Modern building industry contributes to the prosperity of such cacophony when it produces in millions battens, profile alluminium and the like but practically does nor produce carved items, rail posts, ornamental designs, scroll metal constructions and so on. The more in the environment there are curved lines the closer it to the nature and so the better is a visual area.
  5. Silhouette of the building is one of the most important components to form a comfortable visual environment. Many old buildings were terminated with small towers, capstans and often had various-story parts - attics. When architect Melnikov said that "architecture is a play for the eyes" he had in mind just individual silhouette of buildings which could create all conditions for the play for eyes or as we would say -the play for the automaticity of saccades. "Keeping the glance on one turret the eye making a saccade could easily catch and fix the next outlined detail -this is just the play for the eyes.
  6. Silhouette of the town as a whole is a necessary component as silhouette of an individual building. In old times and nowadays a peculiar silhouette of a town is created by belfries and turrets of churches and cathedrals that dominate the whole buildings and trees and are peculiar accents for visual fixation.
  7. Cottage building is a perspective pre-condition for creating a town silhouette.
  8. To limit storeys of buildings,On our opinion the height of the house should not exceed the height of the trees. People should feel themselves "inside" the nature" and in harmony with it. A person should live in a beautiful street in a beautiful house and against the red house.
  9. To create in towns closed areas with visual elements. A real disaster of our towns is a distance between many-storeyed houses. According to the requirement for the brightness the distance between the houses should be equal approximately to the double height of these houses. In a distance of 170=200 meters, a person standing in the inverse corner of the yard can be seen under 0,5 angle/grade and it is impossible to identify the person and to define his behavioral type. Such space excludes a social contact between people which could be in the distance of not more than 60 meters. Consequently, to make a visual area comfortable the urban space should be a close space. Every closed space is a model of world with a feeling of safety. We see several ways of making closed spaces in already built-up area: to build on waste places cottages, small work-and art-shops. It is possible to build arcs between blocks of two buildings. Green area could also contribute to the feeling of a close space. The idea of a small street of a secondary scale could be also perspective. A community "Sokol" (Russia) projected by N. Markovnivov where the idea of a town-garden" with cottages within green areas was implemented, just meets these requirements.
  10. To limit the growth of a town. Large cities separate people from nature and make a lot of ecological problems. As we already mentioned towns-gardens with population of 80-100 thousand people are more economically rational and make possible to provide the population with all necessary improvements. It is necessary to proceed on the way of even settling on the territory and to provide the city with all necessary means of communication: roads, telephone, telefax and the like. The knowledge in the field of videoecology allows to build a city which could keep all its advantages as a city and at the same time could perfectly have all beauties and joys of a village.
  11. Colors of the town. Color of the urban area is one of the most important components that make a comfortable visual space.
  12. Green space. There is a great experience in that field. By green space much could be changed in already built-up regions. Green area is not only nice for the eye but it makes closer the urban space to a natural one. In towns, especially in its historical places is rational to use vertical green areas. It is good to start the campaign of green zones in kinder gardens, schools and boarding houses making them like mini parks. Recreation zones in towns should be well kept.
  13. Beauty in our apartments. The most of the time a human spends in a private flat so the visual atmosphere there should be comfortable.
  14. Nothing could replace the nature. Walking in the forest should be regular for citizens. The places with luxuriant vegetation should be well kept and under protection as the national wealth.
  15. The eyes should be kept in "form". It is impossible to value properly a comfortable area by poor vision when everything seems as a homogeneous field. It is necessary to check the vision to wear well selected glasses or contact lens, to have a special eye band and to protect eyes from fatigue, to train eyes and make massage. Whatever we do - residential or industrial buildings, airplanes and submarines, clothes, books, machines - we can not ignore physiological demands of visual organs. Otherwise it will bring problems of video-ecology with all its consequences. Physiological needs of visual organ should be regarded as a basis on which aesthetic laws are built. Comfortable visual space has a favorable effect on the state of the population, in particular, on health, morality and business activity. Just about that F,M. Dostoyevsky wrote: "If the nation has an ideal of beauty and motivation for that, it means that there is a motivation for health, norm and, consequently, thereby, the highest progress of that nation is guaranteed.

Homogeneous interior Homogeneous interior
Comfotable interior Comfortable interior
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Videoecology Videoecology is the science of interaction between a human being and visual environment
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Doctor of biology, academician of International Academy of sciences Vasiliy A. Filin is the founder of the videoecology as a science .
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Visual environment is all we perceive by organ of vision, in other words it is all we look at by our eyes
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