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-->V.A.Filin, A.V.Filin. Nystagmus and its mechanism
V.A.Filin, A.V.Filin
Moscow, 2005
We have been studying a mechanism of saccadic eye movements more than 35 years
(since 1967). We used photoelectronic device for exact remote eye movements'
registration (fig.1).
Fig. 1. The photoelectronic device for eye movements recoding
All-round researches were carried out in norm and in pathology (weak vision,
blindness, myopia, strabismus, brain tumors, paresis and oculomotor nerves paralysis,
410 patients in total were examined) (fig.2).
Fig.2 Recording type of eye movements (horizontal component) with fixation
of a steady dot (right eye) by a subject. Upper recording is for right eye, lower one is for
left eye. Beam deviation upwards corresponds to eye movement to the right, downwards - to
the left. Calibration of vertical line is 10, calibration of horizontal line is 1 sec time,
"t" is interval between saccades, "A" is saccadic amplitude
Basing on the data obtained we drew up a concept about saccade automaticity. According
to the concept a saccade is generated without any external stimuli in its own rhythm.
Every person has his own pattern of saccade automaticity. Saccade parameters, particularly
amplitude and orientation, modulate in dependence on external and internal conditions
(amplitude - from 2/ up to 15°).
The most important evidence of concept of automaticity of saccades is the fact that all
subjects have saccades and the most part of intersaccadic intervals is in the range
of 0,2-0,6 sec. This is so called operating mode of automaticity of saccades and it
was the same for subjects with normal vision, for weak-eyed and blind patients, strabistic
patients and for subjects with brain pathologies.
It is impossible to explain by accidental coincidence this common mode of generating of
saccades for so many subjects differ in great extent (norm - weak-eyed; norm -
strabismus; norm - brain tumor). This is meant some mechanism exists working both
in norm and in pathology. In our opinion this common mechanism is the automaticity of
saccades. Another forcible argument for automaticity of saccades is the coincidence of
curves of intersaccadic intervals distribution under different conditions of eye
movements recording: during fixation of real and virtual dot in the darkness; during
adults and newborn children sleep; when free seeing a picture. All the curves had
unimodular distribution with maximum in the range of 0,2-0,6 sec (fig.3). These facts
clear demonstrate that saccadic system operates as a single organism generated the same
quantity of saccades in the same time.
Fig. 3. - Distribution of intervals between saccades under various
observation conditions. 1 and 2 - during babies' and adult's quick sleep respectively
(470 and 2343 intervals between saccades processed, 7 and 3 subjects); 3 and -
fixation of a steady and virtual dots respectively (2362 and 1215 intervals between
saccades processed, 11 and 8 subjects); 5 - free seeing of a picture (2000 intervals
between saccades processed, 5 subjects); X-axis - intervals between saccades, s,
Y-axis - number of measurements, %
Thus unlike the idea about the determined character of the most of saccadic eye movements,
we propose the concept of automaticity of saccades as basic law of saccadic activity and
as the background for variable oculomotor activity.
Micro- and macrosaccades, nystagmus, fast eye movements are special cases of automaticity
of saccades. The concept of automaticity of saccade make it possible to change radically
the conception of mechanism of saccadic eye movements and forced us to revise critically
some generally used theses.
Nystagmus is a disturbance of saccade automaticity (V.A. Filin, 1987). Unfavourable factors
such as mechanical compression of the saccadic centre structures by tumour, space
accelerations, motion disease, intoxication disturb a normal mode of operation of the
saccadic centre resulting in marked eyes oscillations known as nystagmus in clinical
practice (fig.4).
Fig 4. Samples of records of eye movements of patient with varolian
bridge tumor and left side paralysis of sight (age 30 years old, OD mobility: outside
- 400, inside - 00; OS: outside - 00, inside - 420; visual acuity OD - 0,1; OS - 0,6).
1 - fixation of immovable point be right eye and changing of fixation points; 2 -
fixation of virtual point in the darkness; 3 and 4 - deviation of eye in extreme right
and left positions respectively, right eye (3) and left eye (4) is recorded. Other signs
are the same as for fig.2
Thus, nystagmus is a special case of saccadic automation (fig.5).
Fig. 5. Average values of frequency (f), amplitude (A) and coefficient
of asymmetry (K) of saccades in norm (N) and in patients with different levels of oculomotor
system affection: M - muscles, BIP - basal isolated paralysis, ST - supratentorial affection,
IP - intratube, EP - extratube affection, FID - fixation of immovable dot, FVD - fixation
of virtual dot
We can see in practice the transformation of automaticity of saccades into nystagmus.
When diverting eyes to the left the number of saccades directed to the left and their
amplitudes are increased (fig.6), and as a result we can see these saccades by our
own eyes. When fixing a dot located straight in front of eyes the number of saccades
was the same, but they were directed evenly to the right and to the left.
Fig. 6. Samples of records of one subject's eye movements when fixing
a dot located straight in front of eyes (1) and at 200 and 400 to the left respectively.
Arrows show the location of eyes. Other signs are the same as for fig.2
Hence the nystagmus of an extreme position is not some special type of eye movements.
It is usual automaticity of saccades, but orientation of these saccades is changed
and their amplitude is increased.
Fig. 7. Samples of records of postrotatory nystagmus and involuntary
saccades after rotation of a subject in Barani armchair and after recoding eye movements
without the dot of fixation: 4 - 20 turns in 40 sec from the right to the left; 5, 6 -
continue of 4 record. Eye movements recorded under small value of temporary constant,
and as a result saccades on this record look as sharp vertical lines. Other signs are
the same as for fig.2
Postrotatory nystagmus also smoothly transfers into automaticity of saccades (fig.7),
and after drinking some alcohol the automaticity smoothly transfers into nystagmus of
alcohol intoxication (fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Samples of records of eye movements when fixing an immovable
dot before (record 1) and after drinking 150 ml of vodka (after 20 and 40 minutes
respectively). Other signs are the same as for fig.2
On the basis of above mentioned, a conservative point of view notwithstanding, one can
affirm that the primary source of nystagmus genesis is a quick phase, and the secondary
source is the slow one.
Thus, an approach to the nystagmus mechanism from the position of the primary quick
phase radically changes the attitude of practitioners - neuropathologists, otoneurologists
and ophthalmologists - to accepted symptom being a nystagmus.
The concept of automaticity of saccades has given us possible to create new scientific
direction that is the videoecology (Filin, 1989, 1997).
In norm automaticity of saccades is generated by saccadic center. Nystagmus is the
consequence of disturbance of automaticity of saccades. There are various reasons of
the disturbance: mechanical compression of the saccadic center structures by tumor,
space accelerations, motion disease and intoxication. As a result of the disturbance
amplitude of saccades is increase, and most of them are directed in one side. Thus
nystagmus is an instance of the automaticity of saccades.
Additional information |
Videoecology is the science of interaction between a human being and visual environment |
Doctor of biology, academician of International Academy of sciences
is the founder of the videoecology as a science . |
is all we perceive by organ of vision, in other words it is all we look at by our eyes |