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Visual environment. Homogeneous visual field
Research works conducted with new-born children (1-15 weeks) demonstrated that more complex
figures attracted a child's attention for longer time (R.Franz, 1974). These examples clearly show
how great is the significance of objects' structure in visual perception (Fig. 21).
Both adults and new-born children do not like homogeneous visual fields. Long stay in a
blackout room negatively effected surrounding environment perception. For instance, staying
of babies in a halflight room results in disturbance of saccadic automation (T. Simons, 1927). One should
remember the above facts when forming visual environment of child day care centers, schools,
boarding schools. Children's room should have a great number of bright items creating a
comfort visible environment. Visual environment in child day care centers for children
with vision defects (squint, amblyopia) should be especially rich.
Fig. 21. Reaction of babies to objects shown in the left indicate a
form and structure are much more important as compared with color and brightness (A, B
and C - red, white and blue disks). Even at an early age children preferred looking at
objects which had visible structure. Black horizontal columns - results obtained with
children at the age of 2-3 months, shaded columns - results of tests conducted with
children aged more than 3 months (R.Franz, 1974)
Additional information |
Videoecology is the science of interaction between a human being and visual environment |
Doctor of biology, academician of International Academy of sciences
is the founder of the videoecology as a science . |
is all we perceive by organ of vision, in other words it is all we look at by our eyes |