Videoecology is a new scientific direction deals with ecology of visual environment and a beauty
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The concept on automaticity of saccades is the basis of videoecology.
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Theoretical and practical problems of videoecology are worked out in Moscow centre "Videoecology"
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The full concept of saccades automaticity is set out in V.A.Filin's monographs "Videoecology", in Russian (3 editions) and in English and "Automaticity of saccades", in Russian
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Main page --> Visual environment. Homogeneous visual field --> Homogeneous visual fields in interiors of residencies and industrial buildings

homogeneous fields in interiors Homogeneous fields surround a human being not only on city streets - there are enough of them both at home and at work. They are started from a smooth entrance door, followed by polished walls and ended with kitchen furniture coated with plain plastic material (Fig. 20). When looking at such smooth surfaces, an eye still cannot "catch on" anything after saccade as if it is within disoriented environment. It is easy to imagine a harm hurt by homogeneous environment. The matter is that within 16 hours, when one is awake, our eye performs 57600-115200 saccades (on the basis of 1-2 saccades per second). Accordingly, their number will amount to 21-42 million per annum. That means that for million times our eye faces troubles in searching just any element on the polished surface and has to work wastefully. This way polished walls and closets of our apartment produce an effect upon our eyes. With such furniture available in our apartment, other decorations which could compensate for homogeneous unnatural environment should be in sufficient number.

Interests of industrial enterprises pose another problem to videoecology. For instance, in the electronic industry the increased demands to cleanliness and hermetic areas resulted in abundance of homogeneous visual fields. They are created here by using glass, plastic materials, metal, chipboard, layers, linoleum in great quantities. Appearance of workers adds to such homogeneity. In one workshop I happened to see women-riggers wearing white warehouse coats, white caps and white gloves. A ceiling and tiles walls added to general whiteness. Living in the capital and working at an enterprise of the Ministry of electronic industry, women-riggers found themselves under conditions close to polar ones. As a survey conducted with women-riggers showed, 80% of them everyday leave for home having a headache (S.N.Nikolaeva, 1992). No doubt, surrounding visible environment is faulty in this among other factors. Unfortunately, millions of workers have to work under such conditions for years.

Spatio-objective arrangement of premises and adjacent areas should be organized not only on the basis of pedagogical content-richness and practicability but also visual perception considered. Visual environment in children's institutions should contain sufficient diversity of visual elements. In such environment an eye can work in its native mode, and it will be easy for a child to stay there.

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Videoecology Videoecology is the science of interaction between a human being and visual environment
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Doctor of biology, academician of International Academy of sciences Vasiliy A. Filin is the founder of the videoecology as a science .
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Visual environment is all we perceive by organ of vision, in other words it is all we look at by our eyes
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