Videoecology is a new scientific direction deals with ecology of visual environment and a beauty
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The concept on automaticity of saccades is the basis of videoecology.
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Theoretical and practical problems of videoecology are worked out in Moscow centre "Videoecology"
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The full concept of saccades automaticity is set out in V.A.Filin's monographs "Videoecology", in Russian (3 editions) and in English and "Automaticity of saccades", in Russian
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Main page --> Visual environment. Homogeneous visual field --> Homogeneous visual fields in small architectural objects

Рис.19 Гомогенная среда Kiosks, stalls and pavilions painted in all times with various colors in urban environment may be referred to small architectural forms. Such an approach was favorable for urban visual environment. The situation has drastically changed nowadays. Now architecture of small forms in every way reminds of big architecture; same direct lines, right angles, bare surfaces, poor color gamut (Fig. 43). Having the aim to find an example of small architecture, we found ourselves in the mire. The matter is that in Moscow there are probably no such examples. They were all destroyed as vulnerable objects, and nobody has created new and perfect ones.

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Videoecology Videoecology is the science of interaction between a human being and visual environment
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Doctor of biology, academician of International Academy of sciences Vasiliy A. Filin is the founder of the videoecology as a science .
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Visual environment is all we perceive by organ of vision, in other words it is all we look at by our eyes
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