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The participants of the International Symposium "Natural Cataclysms and global problems of
the modern civilization", coming from over 25 countries of all over the world
the president of Azerbaijan Excellency 11 ham Aliyev and his government,
especially the Ministry of Emergency Situation for the invitation, the efficient
organisation and the warm hearted and generous support of this international
symposium , which is not only relevant for the Azerbaijan and the regions around,
but- so we hope- for better security in disasters situations, especially in connection
with earthquakes - worldwide. .
- the IAS-H&E and especially its Azerbaijan Section, the scientific committee and
the organising committee for the preparation of the comprehensive and very
relevant scientific program
- and the Medical University in Innsbruck for its cooperation.
- The Italian representative for the wonderful concerto of Mata Zerbo and Stefano
- the Pakistan Academy of Science and the institutions of Yogyakarta to cooperate
dealing within different disasters including them which we have to expect as a
consequence of global change.
- the offer of University of Gadjah Mada to cooperate with universities and other
scientific institutions of Azerbaijan directly and via IAS-AS on the basis of MUO,
including special research projects which are starting in connection with
earthquake prediction and aseismic buildings.
- the relevance of adequate human resources in the government and in science, to
deal with disaster problems, but of other global problems of the modern
civilisation too.
- The fact that the problems will increase because of the global change and other
changing in the society and that the improvement of science is the most relevent to
cope with.
- That the global problems can be only solved on solutions which are acceptable for
the regional, local and individual level with respect on the given ecosocial
- The relevance of free scientific research as a responsible partner of the government
and decision making bodies, which are integrated into international networks for
mutual benefit.
- The relevance of science without borders but of networking on the level of laws
and data exchange for more appropriate dealing with cataclysms and the
challenges of the modern civilisation in the interest of welfare of the population
- The relevance of the general principles of the Strategy Health 21 of WHO which
pointed out the relevance of a comprehensive understanding of health to improve
to level of health by curative activities but by health promotion and prevention to.
The health relevance of disasters, e.g. of flooding, earthquakes and volcano
eruptions demonstrate the need to integrate all these three branches of New Public
Health with in comprehensive strategy
- We underline the relevance of scientific networking over all political and cultural
borders for mutual benefit. Therefore we see the foundation of a network for the wider
region covering the Black and Caspian Sea as a step in the right direction and we whish
this initiative oflAS all the best and thank the Government, especially the Ministry of
Emergency Situations for the announced support.
- to focus on an extension of the given understanding of ecosocial sustainability in
the way to handle these problems in a partnership between all the different related
parts. So we call for an ecosocial sustainability in partnership, which accepts the
special needs of cultural and social
- to create adequate structures for a "triangle between Baku. Islamabad and
Yogyakarta" as well on the level of the government as between scientific
organisations, to use the modern technology of Artapatena - developed in Baku -
with the expectation the have and to improve a more appropriate instrument to
predict earthquakes, but tsunami, too. We would not be surprised if this could be a
contribution of these three countries in the interest of the whole world.
- To implement aseismic technologies more into the construction of public
buildings, like schools, hospitals, marked places etc. to increase the chance even of
the poop to survive during earthquakes. We expect that the presented "dancing
building technology (DBT)" give a hope that even not rich persons have a chance
to build their houses in a more safe way. This initiative is integrated into NATO
for Peace project which let expect I the early future a recommendation for the use.
This can be seen as a first step for the cooperation in the field of risk assessment
which should be extended.
- To make jointly model projects to test this hopeful technology inn cooperation
between Baku, Yogyakarta and Islamabad by research institutions
- To recommend to the academic institutions in Azerbaijan but to Gadjah Mada too,
to use the time up to the announced meeting to handout MUO for mutual interest
for the level of seniors, young scientists but for student level too, so that such
memoranda can be signed soon
- To support a continuous exchange of scientists and students between the related
international institutions systematically but to support the improvement of
manpower in the government: The problems are changing and therefore lifelong
learning is needed.
- For such initiatives it would be of mutual interest to have agreements with
different countries, like Austria and Azerbaijan.
And are finally proud
- that the president of Azerbaijan Excellency Ilham see the output of this
international event as so relevant that he let announce the he will invite leading
representatives of this conference in the near future again to Baku to give report
about progress in the transfer of the results into practice.
So we hope that we - high qualified scientists and experts of Azerbaijan, but of so many
countries from all over the world could contribute to show solutions to improve quality of
life not only for the inhabitants of the so historic host country of the conference but
- starting form Baku - for the region and for the whole world, too.
Additional information |
Videoecology is the science of interaction between a human being and visual environment |
Doctor of biology, academician of International Academy of sciences
is the founder of the videoecology as a science . |
is all we perceive by organ of vision, in other words it is all we look at by our eyes |